Rectoscopy and preparation

Rectoscopy – a painless examination
of the rectum and its course

A rectoscopy is a painless instrumental examination of the rectum with a disposable rectoscope with magnifying optics, during which the doctor examines the anal canal and rectum up to the level of its end before entering the colon. At Proktovena by Dr. Ištok, we use a clear plastic disposable rectoscope; we use a new one for each patient.

Pacient po príprave leží na ľavom boku s pokrčenými kolenami. Po zavedení gélovej lokálnej anestézie lekár jemne zavedie rektoskop. Pacient necíti bolesť, ale tlak v konenčíku. Ak by pocítil bolesť, lekár nepokračuje vo vyšetrení. Podľa nálezu vykonávame hlavne diagnostiku na stanovenie nálezu a stupňa ochorenia. Podľa potreby lekár odoberá bezbolestne vzorky sliznice konečníka a polypov a zasiela ich na histologické vyšetrenie. Vieme v jednom sedení liečiť hemoroidy Barronovou ligatúrou, alebo v lokálnej anestézii urobiť rádiofrekvenčnú abláciu uzla hemoroidu metódou Rafaelo. Po vyšetrení pacient odchádza domov alebo do práce a nepociťuje bolesti.

Na konci rektoskopického vyšetrenia lekár zhodnotí nález a navrhne pacientovi postup liečby s návrhom ceny zákroku, pričom dostane informovaný súhlas na daný zákrok dopredu. V súhlase je podrobne informovaný o príprave, postupe zákroku a o možných komplikáciách. Z vyšetrenie si pacient odnáša lekársky nález a podpísaný informovaný súhlas lekárom, aby si ho mohol doma v pokoji preštudovať.

Preparation for rectoscopy

Informed consent

Informed consent

You will bring your medical report and informed consent to the procedure, which shall be signed at the reception desk on the day of the procedure.


5 or more days after menstruation

To prevent increased bleeding and bruising, women should come not earlier than 5 or more days after menstruation.



Before rectal procedures, "blood thinners", such as Warfarin or NOACs (Xarelto, Pradaxa, Eliquis...), and drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen, such as Anopyrin, Brufen, Ibuprofen, must not be taken for 7 days. Switch to Fraxiparine 0.4 ml, if needed.



We recommend a lighter meal 1 day before the procedure, but do not come fasting. You can eat and drink on the morning of the procedure, but do not drink coffee 2 hours before the procedure.


Preparation for enema

You will apply the enema product into your rectum while lying on your side on the day of the procedure, approximately 45 minutes before the procedure. After application, you will hold the contents of the enema in the rectum and, within about 15 - 30 min, you will feel bowel urgency and use the toilet. Usually, patients have 1 - 2 bowel movements. As our patient, you will receive the enema product from us at the reception desk when you make your appointment for the procedure.


Working hours


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 17:00


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 12:00


Zátišie 5, 831 03 Bratislava

Free parking is available for 3 hours at the Vivo shopping centre. Parking on the surrounding streets is also free of charge. Parking on pavements is prohibited.

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