Outpatient surgical procedures

The patient arrives at the outpatient clinic for the procedure approximately 10 minutes before the scheduled appointment. The procedure under local anaesthesia is performed in the surgery room and takes about 20 - 30 min. After the procedure, the patient has no pain and goes home with the operated area covered, then comes back the next day for a follow-up. Outpatient surgical procedures include removal of skin neoplasms with subsequent histology (removal of warts, moles, gangliomas, lipomas, atheromas, naevi, corrective surgery). Before the surgical procedure, it is necessary to fill out
the patient's informed consent to the procedure


A benign tumour of fatty tissue in the subcutaneous tissue or under a muscle.


A spherical benign tumour with a mush-like content located in the skin or subcutaneous tissue.


A cyst arising at the tendon sheaths, of various sizes, it resembles a tumour under the skin, the contents are a jelly-like fluid.


Birthmark, pigmented mole.


Dilated subcutaneous blood vessel.


A wart, a growth on the skin with a rough surface, usually of viral origin.

Examination before the procedure includes

Thorough medical history
  • previous diseases
  • occurrence in the family

Allergies to substances
  • iodine, mesocaine, etc.

Clinical examination
  • in which the doctor determines the type and location of the formations by sight, palpation

Skin examination, enlarged lymph nodes.

Advice before the procedure

Do not take Anopyrin and other anticoagulants

Do not take Anopyrin and other anticoagulants 10 days before the procedure. In the case of warfarin use, switch to fraxiparine 0.3–0.4 ml 10 days before the procedure

Come to the procedure healthy without viral infections and colds

Surgical procedure

Skin formations are removed under local anaesthesia /mesocaine, Marcaine/, which is painless. After incising the skin and the subcutaneous tissue over the palpable formation, we separate the formation from the surrounding area, trying not to damage the nerves and blood vessels in the area. With the help of surgical instruments, we remove the skin formation.

We suture the skin intradermally – with non-absorbable or absorbable material. We apply omnistrip to the surgical wound as needed and always cover with cosmopor. After the first dressing change, the wound can be showered /not bathed/ and a physical examination is necessary so that the wound does not bleed and spread.

Pain intensity after the procedure is individual. Patients may experience a mild burning, stinging sensation at the site of the surgical wound. In the following days the pain is not present. The appearance of the surgical wound is dependent on the location of the skin, the method and traumatic suturing of the wound.

After the procedure, you must follow these instructions:

  • Do not dress or irrigate wounds until the first follow-up.
  • The first follow-up is at the surgical outpatient clinic the next day, and then showering, not bathing, is possible.
  • Stitches on the face can be removed on Day 5 - 6, on the body on Day 7 - 10 depending on the location /reduced physical activity is necessary/.
  • After removing the stitches, it is necessary to reduce physical activity for another 7 days /so that the wound does not stretch/.
  • Výsledok histológie je k dispozícii do cca 14 dní od zákroku a je potrebné ho vyzdvihnúť na našej ambulancii a následne doručiť praktickému lekárovi

Possible side effects:

  • Minor bleeding and bruising at the incision site, which disappears within 1 - 2 weeks – about 5 - 10% of patients.
  • Inflammation of the surgical wound /wound pain, redness, leakage/ on Day 3 - 4 after the procedure – about 5% of patients.
  • Bolesť v operačnej rane. Bolesť tlmíme NSA napr. MIG 4OO, Ibuprofen 400 mg.
  • Within about 1 month, the wound separation (dehiscence) or a formation of keloid is possible.

Working hours


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 17:00


8:00 — 15:30


8:00 — 12:00


Zátišie 5, 831 03 Bratislava

Free parking is available for 3 hours at the Vivo shopping centre. Parking on the surrounding streets is also free of charge. Parking on pavements is prohibited.

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